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Unresolved Research Ideas

Unresolved Research Ideas Unresolved Research Ideas Unresolved Research Ideas


Coming soon!

This page contains summaries of projects that I initially thought were promising and put some fair effort into, but didn’t end up working out as I had hoped. In the spirit of encouraging a more open scientific community regarding negative results, and with the hopes of maybe sparking a cool research project for someone else reading this, I am collecting some of my more interesting failed projects here.

If something on this page leads you to a successful project, I would greatly appreciate it if you cite/acknowledge this page! In return, I will do my best to keep the page updated with any newly-published results that address these problems.

Table of Contents

I. Multiqubit gate decompositions for neutral atom computers
II. Volume-robust two-qubit basis gates
III. Improved in situ recalibration of surface code qubits
IV. Recalibrating magic state factories
V. Coming soon!

I. Multiqubit gate decompositions for neutral atom computers (summer 2022)



II. Volume-robust two-qubit basis gates (spring 2023)


III. Improved in situ recalibration of surface code qubits (summer 2023)

This project was inspired by “Scalable in situ qubit calibration during repetitive error detection” by Kelly et al. at Google.


IV. Recalibrating magic state factories (fall 2023)

We ended up figuring out how to get this to work (resulting in two papers, Verity and Factory Reset). However, there were many (MANY) things we tried during the course of this project and found to not work very well.


Citing this page


  author = {Chadwick, Jason D.},
  title = {Unresolved {Research} {Ideas}},
  year = {2023},
  journal = {Personal website},
  howpublished = {\url{https://www.jason-chadwick.com/projects/failed_ideas/}},
  url = {https://www.jason-chadwick.com/projects/failed_ideas/},

Or, alternatively,

Jason D. Chadwick, "Unresolved Research Ideas," 2023. https://www.jason-chadwick.com/projects/failed_ideas/.

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