Figure 11. Quantifying the relative qubitcycle costs of cosmic ray mitigation methods in magic state factories, assuming ideal detection of ray impacts. Under ideal detection, the overheads of all methods are determined by the anomaly size (ray radius) and the value $\Gamma \times T_{\text{offline}},$ which determines the expected fraction of time that the factory is recovering from multiple ray impacts simultaneously. Our re-mapping method has significantly lower overhead across most of this parameter space. For low values of $\Gamma \times T_{\text{offline}},$ the re-mapping method incurs virtually no overhead, while for high values, the overhead is orders of magnitude lower than that of the baselines. Annotations on the rightmost plot mark the values of $\Gamma \times T_{\text{offline}}$ and $r_{\text{CRE}}$ observed in experiments [22]. [23], [44]. Scrambling model references [22] and [44] are shown assuming $T_{\text{offline}} = 1$ s. Gray dashed line incidates value of $\Gamma \times T_{\text{offline}}$ used in Figure 12.